Tuesday, July 3, 2007

Roskilde Festival 07 - A Brief Intro

As Marc has probably explained already, we have this little gig every year at Roskilde Festival (think Glastonbury with better looking people because it's in Denmark) presenting the only English speaking show on the radio. It's a highlight of the year, and a bit of a privilege to be able to do seven two-hour shows of whatever we pretty much like in front of a massive audience of beautiful Scandinavian people.

So this is the 5th year and I'm now being described as a 'veteran' presenter which scares me a little frankly, Marc's not here (work wouldn't let him have the time off major bummer) so I've had to assemble an all new crack team for 07.

So who I hear you cry could possibly fill the shoes of Marc? It's a difficult job as over several years of doing shows together we've developed an almost freakish ability to know where the other is going with something and often exactly what the other is going to say. Well the shoe filling answer is Miss Victoria Hannaford an antipodean blond whirlwind who is a scarily good presenter. She was a presenter at Sydney's notorious Triple J rock station before moving to the UK and the BBC where she works alongside me at Radio 4. Alongside her is field reporter Laura who is our very own punk rock princess getting in amongst it at the festival.

Over the next few days I'll keep you posted with the goings on, if past years are anything to go by it's going to be eventful with a capital E. Pictures and video to come as soon as i figure out how to post all that jazz.

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