There where a couple of floppy haired types call Pat & Marc who where partial to a bit of music, comedy, film and generally geekery. They decided to create a blog to chart their attempts at trying to make a living in the harsh harsh world of the media and generally stuff that they found amusing along the way... this is it.
Er.... Hello is a good place to start i guess, I imagine a little exposition is in order for those out of the loop. I'm Pat (Patrick when in more formal settings) I live in London working at BBC radio 4 making Alas as much as the old beeb is fun it's not the be all and end all, that particular honour falls to the company I have started with Marc called Two Stroke Productions.
Over the past 18 months we've made a couple of music videos and some music tv features, for the likes of cd:usa & T4. As we've pottered around the music, tv industries and become obsessed like all our friends with the likes of myspace Youtube and Facebook we kinda felt that maybe there was space for us to do something really new and interesting and thus Fuzzed was born.
This blog is amongst other things a bit of a diary about Fuzzed and it's progress into something we really hope people will love. it's also about all the random stuff we come across and get up to, some good some bad i imagine, I'll let Marc B who as well as being my most excellent friend, co-creator of Two Stroke / Fuzzed and housemate is also the other half of this blog explain more.
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